Friday, February 29, 2008

Malam Kesenian @ University Kebangsaan Malaysia


Today is definitely one of the most special day in four years coz its 29th Feb, making 2008 a leap year and 366 dayz in total. It is also a very special day for the Christian Fellowship Society of UKM for having their Malam Kesenian at the Chansellor Hall.

It was my first visit to UKM and I reached at about 4.30pm. Thanks Xian Yin for bringing me for a short UKM tour. =D It's as huge as UM i think, or maybe bigger. I really do not know. Later at 5pm Swe Jyan brought me into the hall and I helped out abit with their door gifts and also the registeration booth's poster sticking. Supposingly helped as usher though but decided not to in the end.. Hahaha... Luckily I brought my camera along so I decided to just do some shootings. I can see that all the working committee and performers are preparing really well for that night event though.

The event started off at about 8.45pm with the arrival of VIP (and the usual agenda goes on..) The real thing begun with a choir performance by African Student Choir Group. Their music and songs were simply awesome, especially a very fast rap part done by one student.

Next on the list was a band performance done by the local students. The lead singer, whom I think is a Sabahan UKM girl cheered up the crowd by teaching them how to greet people in Sabahan language and also Chinese. It was kinda cool tho and one of the songs they performed which I like very much was "Unfailing Love" by Chris Tomlin. The crowd joined in the songs and after that was another dance performance by a group of young people as well.

The main highlight of that night is of course performance by the drama team consisting of UKM students themselves. Their drama aimed to express the meaning of Love to the audience and I must give credits to them for successfully doing so by the end of their drama. *applause* I was indeed touched by their performance and I could say a job well done!!

That night did not end there as the MC promised us with a special performance. It was a hip hop group all the way from UTAR that took over the stage after the drama and they really blasted the crowd with their acrobatic moves with unity to the music. COOOOOOLL~!! That superb performance officially closed the event for that night and I think everyone left with a very meaningful message planted into their hearts.

*photos to be uploaded soon* (forgot to bring back my cable)