Friday, May 9, 2008

Nature Is Beautiful...


Short-Note: Can't wait for tomorrow... My cell member's wedding day!! Yeay! Gonna shoot lotsa lotsa photos tomorrow!! woooo....~

After much controversy and comments over the photo of the day, is time to shift our focus a lil to the things around us. Very often, we tend to ignore, neglect or perhaps take for granted the nature that is around us. All these beautiful creation of God simply captures my attention everywhere I go. I began to learn to appreciate things that is so often, less appreciated.

Well, I pretty much love landscape photos of nature especially those Redang photos in my dearest one and only pop site!! No doubt, his photos are superb!! must go see see k??

*love this photo that I took just few days ago*

Behold, like what I mentioned in my blog's header, "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwritting!"
*cheerz* Have a pleasant weekend!!