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Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
drewnity.com is up
.130808. drewnity.com soft launched
momentzofmylife.blogspot.com has already marked its first milestone by hitting 10000 hits in approx 8 months. It's time to change and I would like to welcome you to http://drewnity.com/.
Posted by andrew at 11:23 PM 74 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Long Awaited Day...
"8" has always been my favourite number since i was little. It's significant to me as it represents my birthdate. Anyway, today is also the official opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games! Jason rated it in his twitter 15/10!! No machines, all human!! I must watch the reply d.
Anyway, today is the day I finally got my breakthrough in something that I've long to tell. Something that I was so lost in. Something that I so dowan to keep. It's finally shattering away pieces by pieces..
It's when you are at the lowest moment of your life you will learn the greatest lesson and through it all, I know that Jesus is there by my side.
Posted by andrew at 8:08 PM 5 comments
Labels: self
Monday, August 4, 2008
This Is PC Fair!!
.040808. PC Fair II @ KLCC
*am back*
PC Fair has finally ended peacefully last night but I had to stay till late for "tear down", a term that my company (or any contractor) uses when its time for post event clear up! Thank God for granting me the inner strength to stay strong throughout the day and sustaining me despite my lack of sleep!! =D

*imagine how long those ppl need to clear the mess!! be considerate!*
Anyway, this was my first experience in PC Fair and I can tell you it was a great one! On the first day (1 Aug, Friday), the crowd was rather average and under control. To me, 2nd day was the worst, PIKOM and KLCC staffs totally lose control on the enormous amount of crowd coming in jamming the walkway and thanks to 1 or 2 impatient and wild uncle, the emergency exit glass was deliberately smashed broken to unarm the door in Hall 3 which was supposed to be closed. The crowd started to rush out from the forced open door and withing seconds the security came to control the crowd. Some of the booths partitions was also pushed and almost ruined by these brainless people who do not think about the consequences!
Some of them approached the organisers saying that the walking path was too narrow but honestly, we can't blame them coz the crowd is just too MASSIVE!! Anyway, it was a great 3 days experience for me and I have learnt alot from the fair.
*chef recommendation from "BBQ Chicken" Restaurant*
Had this for dinner just then and it was delicious!! nice nice! =D
Am a little disappointed though for not able to go for Passion World Tour yesterday and meet Chris Tomlin in person! I supposed it was a great night with great message as I heard positive feedbacks from lotsa people!! Looking for the next one!
Ok... Time to sleep already!! Need to cover up my restless nights!!
Posted by andrew at 11:28 PM 4 comments
Labels: event, pc fair 2008, self, work
Friday, August 1, 2008
PC FAIR II is Here!!
PC Fair is happening today from 11am - 9pm!! See you there!!
Posted by andrew at 12:42 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Are You Ready For PC Fair?
.307008. Live Blogging From Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre...
It's already 10pm ++ and I'm still sitting here by the convention centre's service counter while the contractors are busy building up the special design booths for the upcoming PC Fair! Am waiting for 11pm and I can leave for home and since I have time I thought of a live blogging again!! hehehe...
Good news to IT Gadgets Freaks, PC Fair is happening this Friday till Sunday from 10.15am - 9.00pm. Prepare yourself to be stunned by the Hi-Teched gigantically built booths. There will also be one double deck booth located at the ballroom. Ain't gonna tell you what company are those. Come this Friday to find our yourself and carry home some stuffs since its Megasale Season! Am gonna get myself a 500G external hard disk for about, say rm250?? Weee..
So, are you ready for PC Fair?

Short-Note: Anyone going for MYFM 10th year anniversary at genting highlands next month??
Monday, July 28, 2008
Chelsea Stars In Action
.280708. Chelsea Official Training Session @ Shah Alam Stadium
Am not a fan of Chelsea but a fan of football and also a few England players in Chelsea. Namely, John Terry and Frank Lampard. But of course, I also do admire the world class saves of Peter Cech. Anyway, thanks Robb and Nuffnang for the invited admission pass! Thanks Sandrapixie for pinjaming me her 80-200lens with Nikon D100 for zoomed photos! LOL
Was with Victor, Kenny and 2 other friends. Saw Jane, Steph and their friend as well as Karena and her friend.

Malaysia Selection vs Chelsea live in Stadium Shah Alam tomorrow @ 8.45pm!! Who is going to win??? *support your local team* ok??? LOL
Posted by andrew at 11:59 PM 5 comments
Labels: chelsea, chelsea vs malaysia, football
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mayz Birthday Dinner
.280708. Mayz Birthday Dinner @ Sushi Zanmai, The Gardens
Short-Note: Chelsea Official Training tomorrow @ Shah Alam Stadium, 6.30pm. See you there!
Happy birthday to Mayz again! LOL... Just last week, 21st of July, I was with Chingy in The Gardens queing up for SATC movie screening passes. (but then tak dapat la) haha.. Then we went to Sushi Zanmai to have a simple dinner with ShinLu, Corinna and Mayz (birthday girl). It was my first time in that restaurant though and the food there is quite nice. Nontheless I'm still a strong supporter of Sushi King though! hehe..

Didn't get to snap alot of photos though coz didnt bring my camera. All photos was taken using Mayz' Canon Ixus. hehe... Kena marah somemore for starving those girls with my slow motion photo taking. Haha.. In the end, all not nice. LOL.... Anyway, we had a great time there with some girls chat. Being the only guy there I was kinda like.. okay... whatever... haha.. But we have been friends for about 10 years by now! *cheerz* to that! =D
Posted by andrew at 11:45 PM 2 comments
Cell Gathering Dinner
.260708. Goshen Cell Gathering Dinner @ 6-10 Grill & Nasi Lemak, Section 17 PJ
Just came home from a short 'yumcha' session with Tim, Joanne, SunSun and SukYee. Happy birthday again to Sun! LOL...
Anyway, had a really enjoyable dinner at 6-10 Grill & Nasi Lemak with my cell members continued with a super funny Mafia session at SaiKit's house! I guess now we know who is the pro deceiver though!! Dinner was supposed to be in My Elephant (Thai food) again but due to some miscommunication with the reservation made with the staffs there, we weren't able to have our dinner and that was why we ended up at 6-10. Bad first time impression of them to my cell members though, but nontheless we had a fair time of jokes and chats during the dinner.
Red Wine Grill Lamb and Nasi Lemak stole the lime light though but my Garlic Butter Grill Salmon was also simply fantastic!! 6-10 has a quite a good long history with their ever well known Nasi Lemak and Western food. After dinner, 13 of us crashed into our cell leader's house to play the MAFIA game and we had a great time there.

Anyone going for Chelsea Official Training session in Shah Alam Stadium on Monday evening??? *see you there*
Posted by andrew at 2:17 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sexciting Day
.250708. Sex Under The City @ SIBKL then Sex And The City @ One Utama
It's now 3am in the morning and yes, I just got home from a pretty sexy night just today. After running through my busyness in office today thanks to the upcoming PC Fair next week (1-3 August), I left office for home at about 6.10pm. Was irratated by the finger print signing in and out system. Perhaps, it was just me that have problem with the finger print identification. LOL...
I was the back up singer for Osbert in tonight's COUZ Night in church and a good 200+ people from various churches came together to hear our one and only SEXCELLENT speaker who is also a sexpert, Pastor Victor Wong, talk about the topic premarital sex. The theme for tonight was so happen to be "sex under the city". After the service ended about 11.15pm, I made my way to One Utama to catch a midnight movie, "sex and the city". LOL... That is way I said I had a sexciting night just now!! haha

Passion World Tour Tickets GIVEAWAY!!
Is there anyone out there that wants to go for Passion World Tour in Sunway Convention Centre on the 3rd of August 2008 but did not manage to purchase a ticket yet??
Posted by andrew at 3:04 AM 4 comments