.140608. All Malaysian Bloggers Project Gathering @ Cineleisure
Just before I go into the live blogging event, I remembered I attended this AMBP gathering @ Cineleisure 2 weeks ago and also the special screening of Incredible Hulk. Not much photos though but I thought today was the best time to write abit about that day.
It was a joint organised event by AMBP, Microsoft and also CinemaOnline. It was a time of sharing by a few bloggers and also some presentation by Microsoft and also CinemaOnline. After the gathering, there was a special screening for the participants of Incredible Hulk and the movie was simply cool!
But the most important part of the gathering that caught most people's attention was the personality test provided by Star-Jobs Online. It's basically a test to see which field of interest that suits your career most! And since I was looking for a job, I thought of trying it out.
*there were a total of 7 field of interest or abilities*
*this was how i fair!! I got the highest for SERVICING though!!*
Upon completing the test, I have to seperate the cards of interest and see which category I score the most cards. Without much surprise, I score 7 cards for "servicing" and 6 others for "influencing, adventuring and creating". The lady on duty that day told me that my interest was dealing with people. That's right I thought to myself. The only thing left for me to think about was which industry that really suits me? I could be a Sales Engineer, IT consulting, Business Management Trainee and what not. Finally, I thought event and people was what I really liked most!
One day, BengHan told me about an opening in his company and asked if I would like to send in my application and I thought, no harm trying! So I went for interview and today I got a call from the company and they offered me a job!! LOL... I'm hired...
Best part, company just 5 minutes away from home, good working environment, well established company, got kawan inside, good offer and my type of job. Thank God for his divine appointment and plan! Now, is up to me to really work extra hard and do my best!!
*this is da company i'm gonna work with soon!!*Back to Euro2008. Looking forward to the 2 semi-finals. Germany and Turkey in few hours time. Spain and Russia in the other semi-final tie. May the better team wins!